Eyes Set to Kill Biography


There are two artists that have used the name Eyes Set to Kill:
1) A post-hardcore band from Phoenix, United States.
2) A soft rock band from Melbourne, Australia.

A White Lotus traditionally represents a rebirth. Just like the beautiful flower, Eyes Set To Kill has gone through a metamorphosis. After years of being forced to conceal their aspirations, the Phoenix, Arizona-based collective finally reveal their true identity on their upcoming fourth studio album appropriately entitled White Lotus.

“It’s a symbolic name,” Alexia Rodriguez states. “We have a clear mind set, we have purity and we know exactly what we want to do with our music. We know who we are and where we want to go, and so we wanted to use a white lotus to symbolize how confident and focused we are. It’s a leap for us because we have a clearer vision of what we want.”

Down to a more concentrated four-piece, Eyes Set To Kill slowly drowned out their screamo vibe and have transformed into a metal band led by Rodriguez’s piercing vocal prowess. Tie that in with stellar musicianship, mature songwriting and an adrenaline-charged resonance, and it’s clear this explosive quartet is on the verge of redefining the genre.

Those sentiments are further backed up by smash singles like “The Secrets Between,” a heavy single about withholding the truth from a significant other; “Forget,” an intense ditty about the desire to erase your memory from terrible experience with an ex-lover; and “Where I Wanna Be,” a love song with a dark edge.


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